Nová Baňa - Town Hall

Originally a Gothic building with a fortress character, rebuilt in the Baroque style, standing in the center of the town of Nová Baňa, which is located on the eastern edge of Pohronský Inovec

fortressfortress / 234 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Nová Baňa - Town Hall

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Rudno - 4.1 km, Breznický hrad - 5.1 km, Nová Baňa - 6.1 km, Žarnovica - 8.8 km, Pukanec - 10 km, Živánska veža - 10.1 km, Hronský Beňadik - 10.7 km, Revište - 12.4 km, Bohunice - 12.7 km, Bohunický hrádok - 13.2 km, Topoľčianky - 16.8 km, Hliník nad Hronom - 16.9 km, Hrušov - 16.9 km, Bašta Štiavnické Bane - 17.4 km, Sitno - 18.4 km, Skýcov - 18.4 km, Starý zámok - 18.9 km, Nový zámok - 19.2 km, Glanzenberg - 19.2 km, Teplica - 19.5 km


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History - Nová Baňa - Town Hall

Legends and Tales