Lúka mansion

Late Renaissance-early Baroque manor house situated on the terrace above the village of Lúka, in the Inovecký foothills on the left bank of the Váh river

manor, manor housemanor, manor house / 188 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Lúka mansion

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Tematín - 4.1 km, Moravany nad Váhom - 6.3 km, Čachtice - 11.5 km, Topoľčiansky hrad - 12.4 km, Nitrianska Blatnica - 12.9 km, Beckov - 14.8 km, Hajná Nová Ves - 17.7 km


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History - Lúka mansion

Legends and Tales