Bohunice castle

The location and the remains of the walls of a defunct medieval castle above the village of Bohunice, on the Hrádok hill, at the foot of the Štiavnické hills

wall remnantswall remnants / 344 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Bohunice castle

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Bohunice - 0.5 km, Pukanec - 3.2 km, Breznický hrad - 10.6 km, Rudno - 10.8 km, Sitno - 12.3 km, Nová Baňa Radnica - 13.2 km, Hronský Beňadik - 14.6 km, Bašta Štiavnické Bane - 14.9 km, Levice - 16.8 km, Žarnovica - 16.9 km, Svätý Anton - 17 km, Nový zámok - 17.1 km, Starý zámok - 17.2 km, Nová Baňa - 17.9 km, Glanzenberg - 17.9 km, Žibritov - 17.9 km, Patkôš - 19.2 km


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History - Bohunice castle

Legends and Tales