About us

information about our project

Our achievements

- project exists already 26 years, since then it has undergone many changes and acquired its current form in 2016

- project hrady-zamky.sk is stored in the archives of the University Library as part of a long-term protection of intangible cultural heritage in the form of digital sources and documents

- under the auspices of the National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVaM) our project was chosen as a source for the Primary School History Olympiad, 16th year, school year 2023/2024

- our mobile applications Slovak Castles and Slovak Castles PREMIUM won multiple awards for the Best Slovak application in the 4ka Android Code competition

- in cooperation with the professional photographer M. Hajkovský, the book Slovenské hrady a zámky was published with a QR code link to the castles on our website

- we personally visited every single place, that is on our website, processed detailed information, thereby significantly contributed to the development of tourism and the promotion of monuments in the territory of today's Slovakia

Focus of the project

Primary focus:
  • • The period from the High Middle Ages (11th century) to the beginning of the Modern Era (16th-17th centuries), including Gothic and Renaissance structures
  • • Castles, chateaux (may include manor houses in castle style), fortresses, and town castles.
  • • ruins of castles, sites of former castles with above-ground remains of walls
  • • fortresses, stone watchtowers and bastions
  • • monasteries with fortifications, ruins of monasteries
  • • Renaissance and Gothic manor houses, fortified manors, castellum, manor houses built on the foundations of a castle or on the site of a former castle or other fortification and their ruins
Not our focus, but may occasionally appear on the site:
  • • vanished castles, without above-ground remains of masonry (ramparts or traces of the terrain)
  • • hillforts, wooden castles
  • • manor houses and manors younger than the Renaissance period, without elements of fortification, or not built on the sites of older buildings
  • • monasteries that are not ruins or that do not have elements of fortification
  • • city walls and fortifications
Author and manager of the project:

Bc. Jozef Štefanek,
Terms of Use: All texts, photographs, and images published on the website hrady-zamky.sk are protected by copyright ©hrady-zamky.sk. Any copying, distribution, or other use of the content is allowed only with the author's written consent. By using this website, you agree to these terms.

Mobile applications

Slovak Castles
Slovak Castles

Android code 2023 Android code 2022 Android code 2020 Android code 2018

Slovak Castles PREMIUM
Hrady a zámky SK PREMIUM

Android code 2019

Android code 2023

Contact us

Is any castle or manor missing on the site? It means we haven't visited it yet.
If it meets our categorization requirements, it will definitely be added to our list in the future.

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